How to Apply
You can apply for the DSA either online or via post, and you can either apply at the same time as you apply for student finance or separately. Depending on where you live, you might need to fill out a different application form if you wish to only receive the DSA, and you can find links to all the relevant forms in the Resources and Forms section below.
You don’t need to wait until you have a confirmed place or until you start your course to apply. You can apply at any time to secure your support for the start of term.
However, we recommend applying at the same time as student finance, as this will not only save you time but also reduce the amount of paperwork you need to do. That way, you can spend the start of term getting settled, meeting new people, and not worrying about setting up your DSA.
If you are applying for the DSA while you’re at college or uni, it’s a good idea to let your disability services know as soon as possible, as not only can they offer you 1-to-1 guidance and support with your application, there are some sections of the application form they will need to fill in.
You may need to register with your disability services or book an appointment to get this information. Many universities offer hybrid appointments, either in person or online, whatever best suits your needs.
• We recommend applying at the same time as student finance, as this will not only save you time but also reduce the amount of paperwork you need to do. That way, you can spend the start of term getting settled, meeting new people, and not worrying about setting up your DSA.
• You can request your DSA application form in braille, large print, and audio formats. Find your funding bodies’ email address below to request your DSA application form in a format suitable for your individual needs.
• When sending copies for your evidence, make sure to only send a photocopy of any letters or reports, and keep the original for yourself. If you don’t have a scanner at home, you can use your mobile phone to scan the document or ask your disability advisor to help.
• You can also ask for help with your application from a friend or a family member.
• Follow us on Tik Tok to get advice and updates regarding Disabled Students’ Allowance.
Since the process for applying for Disabled Students’ Allowance can take up to 14 weeks, it’s useful to understand the timescales for each stage of the process, to better know when you will have your support in place.
Here are some key areas of the process performed by your funding body:
•DSA1 application forms
•DSA2 letter
•Needs assessment reports
•Supplier comms and invoices
•Student claims
•Emails (to students, suppliers and HEIs)
The timescales will be different for each funding body, so it’s best to check for updates regularly on their websites:
Extra Resources
Getting Evidence for your DSA Application
Download our PDF guide about advice on getting evidence to help with your DSA application.
Eligibility Checker
Check your eligibility by filling out our simple eligibility checker.

Resources and Forms
You can find all the forms and contact addresses you may need for your DSA Application below. Remember, it’s better to apply at the same time as student finance, as this will not only save you time but also reduce the amount of paperwork you need to do.
Are you an undergraduate studying full-time and already applied to student finance? Download the Slim DSA Form below.
Download Slim DSA Application FormAre you applying for the DSA Only? Download the DSA1 Full Form below.
Download DSA1 Full Application Form
Alternative format email: braileandlargefonts@slc.co.ukPostal Address:
Student Finance England
PO Box 210,
DL19HJ -
Download DSA Only Application Form
Alternate Format Email: saas_4@gov.scot
Postal Address: Not currently accepting postal applications due to COVID-19. Please send all applications and evidence via email.
Download DSA Only Application Form
Alternate Format Email: brailleandlargefonts@slc.co.uk
Download DSA Only Application Form
Alternate Format Email: brailleandlargefonts@slc.co.uk
Postal Address: Return your application to your local SFNI Office, find their addresses here.
Some SpLDs like dyslexia are not considered a medical condition and so a diagnosis is not covered by the NHS. This means you’ll need to book your own diagnostic assessment. The British Dyslexia Association and The Dyslexia Association have information on how to book with their team of experienced diagnostic assessors, the cost and requirements.
The British Psychological Society has a directory where you can find a suitable psychologist.
Make sure to let them know that your assessment is for your DSA application, so the assessor has up to date knowledge about the process.
Other learning differences like ADHD can be assessed through the NHS. You’ll need to talk to your GP and ask for a referral.
The type of DSA evidence form you need depends on where you’re studying.
Scotland - SAAS DSA Evidence Form
England - SLC DSA Evidence Form
Wales - SFW DSA Evidence Form
Northern Ireland - SFNI Evidence Form
The best way to check if you qualify for the DSA is to take our eligibility checker.
The NHS or government services allows you to search for local GP practices based on city, town or postcode, depending on where you’re studying. Their address and directions are usually listed: